
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

an t-Samhain 16: Gaidhlig

Note: A few of the words have grav accents, but my computer isn't set to make them so...sorry.

Madainn mhath! Is mise Erin NicGriogair. Tha mi nam oileanach aig an oilthigh ann an Obar Dheathain. Tha mi a' fuireach ann an King Street Exchange. Chan eil mi a Alba. Tha mi a Ameririgea. 'S toil leam Obar Dheathain. Tha mi a' fuireach ann an flat beag an-drasta. Anns an flat tha coig seomaraichean-cadail, coig seomariachean-ionnlaid, agus cidsin. Tha an rumaichean gle bheag. Anns an rum mo tha leabhaigh, bord, agus seomar-ionnlaid. Chan eil amar agam. Tha fraisair agam.

Tha mi a' deanamh Gaidhlig, Beurla, agus Ceiltis aig an oilthigh. Is fhearr leam Gaidhlig. Tha mi beagan Gaidhlig agam.

Tha da bhrathair, Greg agus Elliot, agus aon piuthar, Marlyn, agam. Tha tri coin, tri cait, agus aon iasg agam anns an Ameririgea. Tha Arwen Golden Retriever. Tha Rosie Labradoodle. Tha Rocco Yellow Lab agus tha e Guide Dog Puppy in Training. Tha Mia, Sylvester, agus Lucy Tuxedo Cats. Tha Cunningham Beta.


Good Morning! My name is Erin MacGregor (note: this is a false last name). I am a student at the University in Aberdeen. I am staying at King Street Exchange. I am not from Scotland. I am from America. I like Aberdeen. I am living in a small flat at the moment. In the flat there are five bedrooms, five bathrooms, and a kitchen. The rooms are very small. In my room there is a bed, a desk, and a bathroom. I don't have a bath. I have a shower.

I am studying Gaelic, English, and Celtic at the University. I prefer Gaelic. I speak a little Gaelic.

I have two brothers, Greg and Elliot, and a sister, Marlyn. I have three dogs, three cats, and a fish in America. Arwen is a Golden Retriever. Rosie is a Labradoodle. Rocco is a Yellow Lab and a Guide Dog Puppy in Training. Mia, Slyvester, and Lucy are Tuxedo Cats. Cunningham is a Beta.

This was all that I could think of the say at the moment, but I thought you guys would like to see how I was doing with my Gaelic. I really do enjoy the language. In high school I was forced to take Latin, which was fun but I wasn't passionate about it. Then they didn't offer the language I really wanted to take so I took Spanish. Since I really got to choose this language I'm having so much fun learning it. :)

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