As my faithful readers I want your opinion on this first bit of my post. These are the little things I am learning that agitate me about living with other people and I want you to tell me if I'm being too uptight about it or if my concerns are reasonable.
Ok, so we are all adults living in this flat. I believe I am the youngest at 18. We have two second year students so they're 20/21 and two other first years who are both 19 I believe. But all of these ages constitute adult am I right? Now that we have established that we are all grown up let us begin.
The guy in the room next to me has people over constantly. Now it doesn't bug me if they're over during the day and being loud. I really could care less. But, at 11pm (2300 for those of you on military time) I get a little peeved if he and his friends are making a lot of noise. Sometimes I'm trying to sleep, sometimes I talking very quietly with Ryan over Skype, and sometimes I just can't sleep so I'm doing homework. Now, I can hear the guy in the room next to me saying things like "Keep it down guys" and ""Hey, be quiet" every so often if they really get loud. So, I'm not so much annoyed with him. It's not that I mind that he has friends over (heck! if Ryan comes to visit me he's going to be staying here so it's definitely not that he has people over) it's just that, well, at 11pm it's courteous not to be shouting at your TV. Especially when the walls are paper thin. Right? So, just trying to get use to that.
Now it's time for the shared space (i.e. the kitchen). Why don't people put up their dishes!? I'm not opposed to leaving them on the drying space for an hour to let them dry, but for 4 days? That's just ridiculous. It made it to where I would have to wash and dry my dishes right away. I couldn't leave them for an hour to dry. And if I had a lot, say at dinner when I actually cook food, then I didn't have any place to leave the dishes that were already washed. Again, not opposed to an hour or two, but those dishes were there for four days in the same position before they were finally put away this afternoon. Am I in the wrong in thinking that as grown ups we should put our dishes away?
The garbage can in the kitchen fills very fast. There are, after all, 5 of us using the same rubbish bin. Now you would think that it would dawn on people that... "if it's hard for me to squeeze one more thing in there then it might be hard for the next person who walks in...maybe I should empty the rubbish and change the liner." Unfortunately this hasn't happened. I have changed the rubbish bin 4 times in the past 2 days. And I know no one else has changed it because it's the same garbage. How can I tell? Well, because when changing the liner there have been times (all of them) that it is just too full to tie off so I have to empty a layer of trash. Under that layer of trash I have put into another liner I find yesterday's trash. Now, I don't mind doing this maybe once every 5 days. I figure it should fill once a day with 5 people there and there should be a different person every time putting the last bit of trash in. So everyone will change the bags. Is it too much to ask that when you fill the rubbish bin that you are the one to empty it, change the liner, and take it down to the rubbish pile downstairs? I don't think so.
That's pretty much all that has really bothered me. I'm just tired of being the only one who takes out the garbage because most of it isn't mine. I know everyone says that but it's true. I don't do a lot of take away or frozen meals so a lot of this stuff isn't mine. I had an empty carton of soy milk and an empty box of cereal in this last one. Maybe an apple core too, but still.
Now that I have that out of my system I can tell you about my VegBag. I signed up to get a Bag of Vegetables every other week. It's 6 pounds per week. I picked up my very first VegBag today. I have celery, apples, carrots, a weird leafy green I can't ID (but I'm gonna use it), a turnip...I think, two red bell peppers, I think a few parsnips, 3 onions, and of course some potatoes. I'm gonna be cooking tonight I can see. :) I'm thinking about taking some pictures of my VegBag for you guys and posting it later.
Plan for the rest of the evening. I'm going to a pub with the Roleplaying Society for a pub quiz and some drinks and fun. Yes, even though I'm not a big fan of alcohal I'm going to order something. Why? Because I can.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Real Timetable
For those of you who read my last post on how confusing my Timetable was, I got it all sorted this morning. I know that all of you were probably really worried about me as you are my faithful readers and care ever so much about me. Well, no need to worry any longer. Here is my real timetable.
9-10 Gaelic Language Class
10-11 Gaelic Oral Class
1-2 English Seminar
2-3 History of Art Tutorial
3-4 History of Art Lecture
10-11 Philosophy Lecture
11-12 English Lecture
12-1 Gaelic Culture Seminar
3-4 Linguistics Lecture
4-5 History of Art Lecture
9-10 Gaelic Language Class
9-10 Gaelic Language Class
11-12 English Lecture
3-4 Linguistics Lecture
4-5 Philosophy Lecture
10-11 Linguitics Tutorial
11-12 English Lecture
12-1 Philosophy Tutorial
I might be adding another class. This would be a linguistics class and would add another 15 credits to my schedule. It looked really interesting though and it would only add 2 more 1 hour lectures to my week and 1 more 1 hour Seminar. It might be worth it if I can get in.
9-10 Gaelic Language Class
10-11 Gaelic Oral Class
1-2 English Seminar
2-3 History of Art Tutorial
3-4 History of Art Lecture
10-11 Philosophy Lecture
11-12 English Lecture
12-1 Gaelic Culture Seminar
3-4 Linguistics Lecture
4-5 History of Art Lecture
9-10 Gaelic Language Class
9-10 Gaelic Language Class
11-12 English Lecture
3-4 Linguistics Lecture
4-5 Philosophy Lecture
10-11 Linguitics Tutorial
11-12 English Lecture
12-1 Philosophy Tutorial
I might be adding another class. This would be a linguistics class and would add another 15 credits to my schedule. It looked really interesting though and it would only add 2 more 1 hour lectures to my week and 1 more 1 hour Seminar. It might be worth it if I can get in.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Day 1 of Classes
Now, you may remembe that I having trouble getting my timetable. Wel, it finally came up last night around 8. This is the day before classes start mind you.
9-10 English Seminar 1D
9-10 Gaelic Language class
10-11 Gaelic Oral Class 1OA
12-1 English Seminar 1H
12-1 Gaelic Oral Class
1-2 English Seminar 1B
2-3 English Seminar 1J
3-4 English Semincar 1C
3-4 Art History Lecture
10-11 Philosophy Lecture
11-12 English Lcture
12-1 Engish Seminar 1G
12-1 Gaelic Culture Seminar
1-2 English Seminar 1G
2-3 English Seminar 1G
4-5 Art History Lecture
Wednesday: I really like this day because it comes with theleas problems
9-10 Gaelic Language Class 1OD
9-10 English Seminar 1F
9-10 Gaelic Semiar
10-11 English Seminar 1G
11-12 English Lecture
11-12 Gaelic Oral Class 1OC
1-2 English Eminar 1K
4-5 Philosophy Lecture
4-5 Enlish Seminar 1K
4-5 Gaelic Oral Class
11-12 Engish Seminar 1L
11-12 English Lecture
12-1 English Seminar 1E
1-2 English Seminar 1A
3-4 Eglish Seminar 1I
4-5 English Seminar 1G
No I did not write down some of the times wrong. They really do have me scheduled for that many classes at once. Mind you, the day before classes start I get this. So I have to go fix it this morning and see what's up. It's really annoying. >:( Yes, very mad.
9-10 English Seminar 1D
9-10 Gaelic Language class
10-11 Gaelic Oral Class 1OA
12-1 English Seminar 1H
12-1 Gaelic Oral Class
1-2 English Seminar 1B
2-3 English Seminar 1J
3-4 English Semincar 1C
3-4 Art History Lecture
10-11 Philosophy Lecture
11-12 English Lcture
12-1 Engish Seminar 1G
12-1 Gaelic Culture Seminar
1-2 English Seminar 1G
2-3 English Seminar 1G
4-5 Art History Lecture
Wednesday: I really like this day because it comes with theleas problems
9-10 Gaelic Language Class 1OD
9-10 English Seminar 1F
9-10 Gaelic Semiar
10-11 English Seminar 1G
11-12 English Lecture
11-12 Gaelic Oral Class 1OC
1-2 English Eminar 1K
4-5 Philosophy Lecture
4-5 Enlish Seminar 1K
4-5 Gaelic Oral Class
11-12 Engish Seminar 1L
11-12 English Lecture
12-1 English Seminar 1E
1-2 English Seminar 1A
3-4 Eglish Seminar 1I
4-5 English Seminar 1G
No I did not write down some of the times wrong. They really do have me scheduled for that many classes at once. Mind you, the day before classes start I get this. So I have to go fix it this morning and see what's up. It's really annoying. >:( Yes, very mad.
Freshers' Fling
So, Last night was the Freshers' Fling. It was loads of fun! It was the first Ceilidh I had ever been to so I enjoyed myself immensely. These are videos of the first three dances. I don't have anything else from the rest of the time I was there because I danced for almost 2 1/2 hours straight. Again, so much fun. Even though I really couldn't partake in the food because it was all meat substances. But I really did enjoy myself. This was to wind down Freshers' Week because on Monday we start classes. Great Fun. Actually, I'm quite ready to get back into the swing of school.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
One Week
Alright guys! Here we are on Saturday! I've been here for exactly one week today. Pretty amazing if you ask me.
Things I have accomplished this week:
1. I have basically all my furnishing for my flatroom. Sheets, towels, trash bags, laundry things, cleaning solution...ect.
2. I have pretty much figured out the the building I'm living in.
3. I know my way around town sort of. It'll take a while before I comfortable with it, but I know how to get to 3 different grocery stores and I know how to get into town.
4. Took my first bus ride here and I'm slowly learning the schedules for different buses.
5. Met all of my flatmates. 2 of which I really like, 1 of which I haven't really gotten to talk to but I like her, and the other I'm not so crazy about, but some rain must fall into every life I suppose.
6. Registered for classes and met with professors.
7. Learned the campus. I rarely get lost anymore though I do always carry a map.
8. Met people outside of campus at different Society Meetings.
9. Signed up for Societies. I am going to be a part of 4 if not 5 this semestre.
10. UK phone number, Registered with the GP, set up a bank account and learned where to get my clan kilt made. (Clan MacGregor baby!)
Things I still need to do:
1. *MOST IMPORTANT* Get my timetable. My student portal is being stupid and not showing me my teaching timetable. So as of right now I have no idea when or where my classes are. I'm dealing with that today.
2. Make my room a little more cozy. It's nice now with my GDB stuff and my flowers and different pictures, but it still needs a little something more.
3. Really learn the Bus Schedule
4. Figure out where to get my mail (only thing I really haven't figured out yet)
5. Learn how to miss Ryan less so I can focus on my studies (that's going to be the hardest I reckon)
6. Make solid Friends. There a few people who I think I can make solid Friends with here. One of them is my flatmate (I didn't get her name this morning, but I like her and it would be nice to have a friend so close by) another two are in my Improv Society, another one is in the Roleplaying Society, and one I met at the airport.
7. Find a Damn post office so I can mail the many letters I have.
8. Go to a pub with has to happen at least once right?
9. Get a pair of gloves
10. Find a hair drier!
So that's what I still need to do. I also should take more pictures of the town. I promise you I will. For now, off to the Edward Right Building to get my stupid timetable so I can actually go to class!
Things I have accomplished this week:
1. I have basically all my furnishing for my flatroom. Sheets, towels, trash bags, laundry things, cleaning solution...ect.
2. I have pretty much figured out the the building I'm living in.
3. I know my way around town sort of. It'll take a while before I comfortable with it, but I know how to get to 3 different grocery stores and I know how to get into town.
4. Took my first bus ride here and I'm slowly learning the schedules for different buses.
5. Met all of my flatmates. 2 of which I really like, 1 of which I haven't really gotten to talk to but I like her, and the other I'm not so crazy about, but some rain must fall into every life I suppose.
6. Registered for classes and met with professors.
7. Learned the campus. I rarely get lost anymore though I do always carry a map.
8. Met people outside of campus at different Society Meetings.
9. Signed up for Societies. I am going to be a part of 4 if not 5 this semestre.
10. UK phone number, Registered with the GP, set up a bank account and learned where to get my clan kilt made. (Clan MacGregor baby!)
Things I still need to do:
1. *MOST IMPORTANT* Get my timetable. My student portal is being stupid and not showing me my teaching timetable. So as of right now I have no idea when or where my classes are. I'm dealing with that today.
2. Make my room a little more cozy. It's nice now with my GDB stuff and my flowers and different pictures, but it still needs a little something more.
3. Really learn the Bus Schedule
4. Figure out where to get my mail (only thing I really haven't figured out yet)
5. Learn how to miss Ryan less so I can focus on my studies (that's going to be the hardest I reckon)
6. Make solid Friends. There a few people who I think I can make solid Friends with here. One of them is my flatmate (I didn't get her name this morning, but I like her and it would be nice to have a friend so close by) another two are in my Improv Society, another one is in the Roleplaying Society, and one I met at the airport.
7. Find a Damn post office so I can mail the many letters I have.
8. Go to a pub with has to happen at least once right?
9. Get a pair of gloves
10. Find a hair drier!
So that's what I still need to do. I also should take more pictures of the town. I promise you I will. For now, off to the Edward Right Building to get my stupid timetable so I can actually go to class!
Friday, September 24, 2010
So, I felt so accomplished form yesterday that I decided to sleep in and be lazy this morning.
Yesterday, I finally got a UK telephone number which means today I can finally set up my bank account which means that I'll have a local bank card which means I won't have to worry about ALWAYS having cash on hand.
I also figured out (sort of) the bus schedules and how much I need to pay and all that. 1 pound 70p for a one way ride to the city centre and 3 pound 50p for a day pass. I might get a day pass today if I think I'll go back into to town. Yes! I actually went into the city centre yesterday too. That's how I got my "Pay as You Go Phone". You know what else I found there?
An H&M!!!!! I have yet to find one of these in the States but that might just be because I live in California. But I love H&M. I have a pair of jeans from there but that's only because I stole them from my brother's girlfriend when she came for a visit. What did I find at H&M you ask? I rain jacket! I very pretty rain jacket. Now, most girls love shopping, I personally have to be in the right mood for it and yesterday I really wasn't. But I figured since I was there and since I had just pulled money out of my account I might as well try and find one that I liked. I did, but it took a while. I have no idea what size I am here. I know I'm a Small to a Medium in the States. I'm only a Medium sometimes because of my gosh darn broad shoulders. I settled for a size 10 here. The 6 fit me perfectly around the waist and bust, but apparently Europeans don't have broad shoulders or long arms...or maybe I just have really long arms. 2 Sizes up and the shoulders fit "OK" but not ideal, but any larger and it would have been WAY too big for my waist and bust instead of just a little too big. But it's a nice rain coat and I love it.
Now, time to talk about the bus schedule. I held up the line a little both times because I'm still trying to figure out what to do here and you could tell the bus drivers were both a little annoyed. But that didn't bother me because if he couldn't tell by my accent (yes, I have an accent here) that I wasn't a native then they can just kiss my...feet, and deal with it. On the ride home I accidentally got off a little too early. I'm still not too sure where all the stops are and I didn't want to end up on a street I didn't know. Because of this I had to walk a ways before I got home. I don't mind walking, I actually really like it. But it was raining pretty hard and my feet were cold so I was hurrying to get home. As I was walking another bus came by and went through a big puddle right next to me. You can guess what happened. I looked like I had gone down to the harbour and taken a dip in the North Sea. What did I do? I started giggling uncontrollably because I thought it was the funniest thing in the world. So there I am, soaked from water that has God knows what in it, and I'm laughing.
When I got home I quickly stripped out of the dirty, wet clothes and slipped into over sized sweat pants and a long sleeve T-shirt and then immediately did laundry. Even then, my room kind of smelled like a wet dog all night. Now I normally wear "real" clothing when going down to the wash room, but I really didn't care at that point. I had been out for hours and was wet and dirty and tired so if people have a problem with my comfy clothes then, to quote Madeline ( yes, Madeline use to be my favourite cartoon ever!) the smallest of all, Poo Poo to them.
Oh, another reason I was so tired and wet is because I went to register with my GP (general practitioner) yesterday. For those of you who don't know what that is exactly, it's just my doctor. As an international student I am entitled to FREE consolations, Free Check Ups, and FREE registration. The only thing I have to pay is 3 pound for any medications prescribed to me if I get sick. I'm ok with that. Ah, Socialism. Everyone else is paying for my medical care and I really don't care at all because I'm paying an arm and a leg to go to school and learn stuff so I can be a functioning member of society when I'm all grown up. Then I will gladly pay some some other kid's medical care because I want them to be able to buy food and not have to worry about what happens if they get sick while they're studying at the University. Call me a Socialist, but I am glad I don't have to worry about what would happen if I got really sick in a strange country all alone while I'm paying $10,000+ to go to school so I can get a job and not mooch off of my parents or others when I'm older.
That was my adventure yesterday. I deserved a little R&R after that so I did take it easy this morning. I talked to Ryan for quite a while and didn't have to worry about getting out at a certain time which was nice. And now, I'm going to tell you my plan for the afternoon. I joined the Aberdeen University Roleplaying Society. Yes, I know, nerdy. But I've always been interested and what a better time to try it? Hey, if I want to unwind on Sundays by make believing I'm an elf why not right? Haha! Ok, so now that you all have a different opinion of me, I'm going to finish getting ready so I can go to the first Roleplaying Association meeting in two hours. :)
Yesterday, I finally got a UK telephone number which means today I can finally set up my bank account which means that I'll have a local bank card which means I won't have to worry about ALWAYS having cash on hand.
I also figured out (sort of) the bus schedules and how much I need to pay and all that. 1 pound 70p for a one way ride to the city centre and 3 pound 50p for a day pass. I might get a day pass today if I think I'll go back into to town. Yes! I actually went into the city centre yesterday too. That's how I got my "Pay as You Go Phone". You know what else I found there?
An H&M!!!!! I have yet to find one of these in the States but that might just be because I live in California. But I love H&M. I have a pair of jeans from there but that's only because I stole them from my brother's girlfriend when she came for a visit. What did I find at H&M you ask? I rain jacket! I very pretty rain jacket. Now, most girls love shopping, I personally have to be in the right mood for it and yesterday I really wasn't. But I figured since I was there and since I had just pulled money out of my account I might as well try and find one that I liked. I did, but it took a while. I have no idea what size I am here. I know I'm a Small to a Medium in the States. I'm only a Medium sometimes because of my gosh darn broad shoulders. I settled for a size 10 here. The 6 fit me perfectly around the waist and bust, but apparently Europeans don't have broad shoulders or long arms...or maybe I just have really long arms. 2 Sizes up and the shoulders fit "OK" but not ideal, but any larger and it would have been WAY too big for my waist and bust instead of just a little too big. But it's a nice rain coat and I love it.
Now, time to talk about the bus schedule. I held up the line a little both times because I'm still trying to figure out what to do here and you could tell the bus drivers were both a little annoyed. But that didn't bother me because if he couldn't tell by my accent (yes, I have an accent here) that I wasn't a native then they can just kiss my...feet, and deal with it. On the ride home I accidentally got off a little too early. I'm still not too sure where all the stops are and I didn't want to end up on a street I didn't know. Because of this I had to walk a ways before I got home. I don't mind walking, I actually really like it. But it was raining pretty hard and my feet were cold so I was hurrying to get home. As I was walking another bus came by and went through a big puddle right next to me. You can guess what happened. I looked like I had gone down to the harbour and taken a dip in the North Sea. What did I do? I started giggling uncontrollably because I thought it was the funniest thing in the world. So there I am, soaked from water that has God knows what in it, and I'm laughing.
When I got home I quickly stripped out of the dirty, wet clothes and slipped into over sized sweat pants and a long sleeve T-shirt and then immediately did laundry. Even then, my room kind of smelled like a wet dog all night. Now I normally wear "real" clothing when going down to the wash room, but I really didn't care at that point. I had been out for hours and was wet and dirty and tired so if people have a problem with my comfy clothes then, to quote Madeline ( yes, Madeline use to be my favourite cartoon ever!) the smallest of all, Poo Poo to them.
Oh, another reason I was so tired and wet is because I went to register with my GP (general practitioner) yesterday. For those of you who don't know what that is exactly, it's just my doctor. As an international student I am entitled to FREE consolations, Free Check Ups, and FREE registration. The only thing I have to pay is 3 pound for any medications prescribed to me if I get sick. I'm ok with that. Ah, Socialism. Everyone else is paying for my medical care and I really don't care at all because I'm paying an arm and a leg to go to school and learn stuff so I can be a functioning member of society when I'm all grown up. Then I will gladly pay some some other kid's medical care because I want them to be able to buy food and not have to worry about what happens if they get sick while they're studying at the University. Call me a Socialist, but I am glad I don't have to worry about what would happen if I got really sick in a strange country all alone while I'm paying $10,000+ to go to school so I can get a job and not mooch off of my parents or others when I'm older.
That was my adventure yesterday. I deserved a little R&R after that so I did take it easy this morning. I talked to Ryan for quite a while and didn't have to worry about getting out at a certain time which was nice. And now, I'm going to tell you my plan for the afternoon. I joined the Aberdeen University Roleplaying Society. Yes, I know, nerdy. But I've always been interested and what a better time to try it? Hey, if I want to unwind on Sundays by make believing I'm an elf why not right? Haha! Ok, so now that you all have a different opinion of me, I'm going to finish getting ready so I can go to the first Roleplaying Association meeting in two hours. :)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I think Erin might have some friends guys!
I went to "register", which apparently was code for sit around in a room, a VERY pretty room though, for an hour talking to people and maybe talking to a teacher. Anyway, I went to "register" my History of Art and Philosophy class and I met a few people there. I ended up going to another Freshers' Fayre for the Society sign ups with a few of them. Then afterward we went to have lunch at the Hub. There I met a few of their flatmates. We parted separate ways after lunch because of my stupid bank and student portal situation and they had to take care of some things as well.
Then I came back to my room for a little while before going out again. While here I went to get an early dinner (nutella sandwich. oh yeah!) in the kitchen area when who should I meet? A flatmate! Amazing really. He's the only guy on our corridor...I think maybe the whole floor. Anyway we talked for a little bit about American politics (yes! I've been missing that!) even though he's from London (well, Nigeria originally. How cool is that?). Then I left.
Why did I leave? I signed up for the Improv Society today and I went to my very first meeting where I met a few people I think I could actually become friends with. Two of them were Germans and another I'm pretty sure was Scottish. But they seemed like the kind of people who I could really be around for a while. You know? Like friends. I'm really happy about this.
I went to "register", which apparently was code for sit around in a room, a VERY pretty room though, for an hour talking to people and maybe talking to a teacher. Anyway, I went to "register" my History of Art and Philosophy class and I met a few people there. I ended up going to another Freshers' Fayre for the Society sign ups with a few of them. Then afterward we went to have lunch at the Hub. There I met a few of their flatmates. We parted separate ways after lunch because of my stupid bank and student portal situation and they had to take care of some things as well.
Then I came back to my room for a little while before going out again. While here I went to get an early dinner (nutella sandwich. oh yeah!) in the kitchen area when who should I meet? A flatmate! Amazing really. He's the only guy on our corridor...I think maybe the whole floor. Anyway we talked for a little bit about American politics (yes! I've been missing that!) even though he's from London (well, Nigeria originally. How cool is that?). Then I left.
Why did I leave? I signed up for the Improv Society today and I went to my very first meeting where I met a few people I think I could actually become friends with. Two of them were Germans and another I'm pretty sure was Scottish. But they seemed like the kind of people who I could really be around for a while. You know? Like friends. I'm really happy about this.
My Egg Breakfast
I again decided to eat breakfast in the kitchen area. Not only that, but I cooked this morning so there was more of a chance of someone coming in so I could meet other people in my flat. No luck though. I really was hoping as I was making my eggs and bread (we don't have a toaster) and stirring my instant coffee (worst thing in the world, but I got some sugar yesterday and it's a little better) that someone would walk in in their PJ's and we would get to talking about things which would make me late for registering for my Art History and Philosophy classes. I really was. I don't want to knock on peoples' door and say, "Hi, I'm Erin in room B!" It would just be a little weird if they didn't share the same enthusiasm about meeting people in the flat. Soon though, soon.
Anyway, I am making an effort at least and now I must shower and get ready to find the Divinity Library. I'm really getting into the swing of things here though there are still a few things that I think I need. But everything will fall into place by the time classes start next week.
Anyway, I am making an effort at least and now I must shower and get ready to find the Divinity Library. I'm really getting into the swing of things here though there are still a few things that I think I need. But everything will fall into place by the time classes start next week.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Today I registered for my classes and spoke with Ms. McGonigle. That was exciting! :)
So far I'm taking
Gaelic Language 1A* (it's pronounced Gah-Lick by the way.)
Introduction to Art History
Introduction Philosophy
English Reading/Writing*
Controversial Classics*
Celtic History*
Tomorrow I start getting my times set up and in order. I really can't wait to start learning Gaelic! The courses with the * next to them are courses that I need to take because they pertain to my degree. The other two are just fun courses to fill in credits. As soon as I know my complete schedule I'll let you know exactly what I'm taking.
Also, I met people today! I met these two guys who were also in line for the International Student Registration and ID cards. They're both American too! We talked for quite a bit. One of them is from Maine and the other from Michigan. I actually hope to see them around (stupid me forgot to get contact info again) because they were very nice and I think it would be nice to have some American friends while I'm here. Not that I'm going to try harder to meet other people. But I can talk baseball with them!
In an effort to meet people I went to the Freshers' Fair today. There I signed up to help on the student team for Fair Trade and I also signed up fro Ju Jitsu and Thai Chi. The last two cost a bit of money but! I also talked to a woman at the AUSA (Aberdeen University Student Association) about getting a job so I could have a little more spending money.
You know what else I did? I moved all of my kitchen stuff into the kitchen! Finally! And I ate breakfast in there this morning and actually cooked dinner in there tonight! I didn't talk to anyone, but there was still a chance that someone would walk in and I would talk to them. I also know that there are people in both rooms A and D. I am in B which leaves 2 rooms that I'm still not sure of.
How do I know that there are people in those two rooms. The boys next to me are being a little loud right now (I think they might be a little tipsy) and I heard music from room D this morning.
Besides all of that stuff I figured out the wash room and washed my sheets and towels. I realized that I'm going to need more coins to do more laundry. You'd think they would have a coin machine in there, but no. I also walked farther this afternoon than before. I was trying to find the mall to get a rain coat, but I must have made a wrong turn or something because I couldn't find it. But on my way back I stopped into Morrison's again to check again for an umbrella and guess what I found! An umbrella!!!! Finally! I also decided to get a Goose Feather Down Pillow because the two cheap ones I originally bought just aren't cutting it and were giving my back aches.
That is what I did today and I am rather proud of myself. :)
So far I'm taking
Gaelic Language 1A* (it's pronounced Gah-Lick by the way.)
Introduction to Art History
Introduction Philosophy
English Reading/Writing*
Controversial Classics*
Celtic History*
Tomorrow I start getting my times set up and in order. I really can't wait to start learning Gaelic! The courses with the * next to them are courses that I need to take because they pertain to my degree. The other two are just fun courses to fill in credits. As soon as I know my complete schedule I'll let you know exactly what I'm taking.
Also, I met people today! I met these two guys who were also in line for the International Student Registration and ID cards. They're both American too! We talked for quite a bit. One of them is from Maine and the other from Michigan. I actually hope to see them around (stupid me forgot to get contact info again) because they were very nice and I think it would be nice to have some American friends while I'm here. Not that I'm going to try harder to meet other people. But I can talk baseball with them!
In an effort to meet people I went to the Freshers' Fair today. There I signed up to help on the student team for Fair Trade and I also signed up fro Ju Jitsu and Thai Chi. The last two cost a bit of money but! I also talked to a woman at the AUSA (Aberdeen University Student Association) about getting a job so I could have a little more spending money.
You know what else I did? I moved all of my kitchen stuff into the kitchen! Finally! And I ate breakfast in there this morning and actually cooked dinner in there tonight! I didn't talk to anyone, but there was still a chance that someone would walk in and I would talk to them. I also know that there are people in both rooms A and D. I am in B which leaves 2 rooms that I'm still not sure of.
How do I know that there are people in those two rooms. The boys next to me are being a little loud right now (I think they might be a little tipsy) and I heard music from room D this morning.
Besides all of that stuff I figured out the wash room and washed my sheets and towels. I realized that I'm going to need more coins to do more laundry. You'd think they would have a coin machine in there, but no. I also walked farther this afternoon than before. I was trying to find the mall to get a rain coat, but I must have made a wrong turn or something because I couldn't find it. But on my way back I stopped into Morrison's again to check again for an umbrella and guess what I found! An umbrella!!!! Finally! I also decided to get a Goose Feather Down Pillow because the two cheap ones I originally bought just aren't cutting it and were giving my back aches.
That is what I did today and I am rather proud of myself. :)
Monday, September 20, 2010
A Little Taste of Home
This afternoon I went down to the Hub to meet with some International Student Advisors and get my Fresher's Packet. When I walked in I went to the Student Support and Advice Centre to ask exactly where the Global Hub was. As I was waiting in line I looked towards the waiting room and saw a guy sitting down. What attracted me most to this guy was that he had a white cane. My first thought was, "It's one of my people!" Seriously, I am more easy going and less self conscious around blind people than I am with sighted people. I thought about going to talk to him, but I didn't. I wasn't sure how he would take a girl sitting down next to him saying, "Are you blind or visually impared?" Thinking back on it now I should have talked to him. He looked a little lonely all alone in that waiting room. Anyway, I didn't talk to him, instead I went one floor up to the Global Hub.
I should explain what the Hub is. The Hub is like the Student Union on American campuses. It has internet access, a food court, a school store, registration, info centres, and all that. The Global Hub is a place for International students to sort of mingle and get to know each other. We might all be from different places, but we're all feeling the same way.
Anyway, the Grub Hub is right across the way from the Global Hub. It was then that I realized how hungry I was. I haven't been feeling too well the past few days so I haven't been eating a lot. But, boy, my stomach was talking to me then. So I went in and had a little taste of home.
I grabbed a veggie burger with chips (or fries). I sat down all alone, yes alone, and ate alomst the whole veggie burger and almost all the fries. For those of you who know me well you know that that is quite a feat for me. I have a really small stomach. Generally I can finished maybe half the burger and about a fourth of the fries. But this time I ate three quarters of both the burger and fries. And you know what? That hot meal has really settled my stomach down quite a bit. I figure that my meals since Saturday (even Friday when I got on the plane in Alabama) haven't been that great. Here it's been cereal with milk (I'm lactose intolerant but I can't find soy milk or lactaid milk) for both breakfast and dinner and two pieces of bread, one with nutella and the other with their version of "peanut butter" and jelly for lunch. Not the healthiest. So, I'm making a point to get more well balanced in my meals since I've seen what it can do to my system.
About that whole "alone" thing, I still haven't made any friends. I've met one other person sharing this flat with me and she seems nice enough, but we just aren't out of our rooms at the same time. I do know she's a fresher like me and that she's here for French/History. History was my second choice when applying so I think we might have a little something in common. Fresher's Week stuff at night generally involves going to a club. I'm not much of a clubber and I don't really drink (though it is legal for me to do so here), so I haven't gone to any clubs. They're not really a place to meet people anyway because I can't hear a gosh darn thing anyone says. I'm what you call hearing sensory deficient. What this means is that if it gets too loud or too many people are talking at once I shut down physically. The words get jumbled in my head and I just can't think. So, clubs really aren't the best place for me. If I already knew someone here and they were going I might go with them, but it's just not the place for me to meet people. I'll join a society or something and meet people that way.
Anyway, it was nice to have that little taste of home even if people were starring at me the whole time wondering why I was eating alone. I feel like I'm starting high school all over agian except worse. I knew a few people in high school already and my best friends were with me. This is going to be a challenge.
By the way, it's midnight here. I can't sleep so I decided to post something.
I should explain what the Hub is. The Hub is like the Student Union on American campuses. It has internet access, a food court, a school store, registration, info centres, and all that. The Global Hub is a place for International students to sort of mingle and get to know each other. We might all be from different places, but we're all feeling the same way.
Anyway, the Grub Hub is right across the way from the Global Hub. It was then that I realized how hungry I was. I haven't been feeling too well the past few days so I haven't been eating a lot. But, boy, my stomach was talking to me then. So I went in and had a little taste of home.
I grabbed a veggie burger with chips (or fries). I sat down all alone, yes alone, and ate alomst the whole veggie burger and almost all the fries. For those of you who know me well you know that that is quite a feat for me. I have a really small stomach. Generally I can finished maybe half the burger and about a fourth of the fries. But this time I ate three quarters of both the burger and fries. And you know what? That hot meal has really settled my stomach down quite a bit. I figure that my meals since Saturday (even Friday when I got on the plane in Alabama) haven't been that great. Here it's been cereal with milk (I'm lactose intolerant but I can't find soy milk or lactaid milk) for both breakfast and dinner and two pieces of bread, one with nutella and the other with their version of "peanut butter" and jelly for lunch. Not the healthiest. So, I'm making a point to get more well balanced in my meals since I've seen what it can do to my system.
About that whole "alone" thing, I still haven't made any friends. I've met one other person sharing this flat with me and she seems nice enough, but we just aren't out of our rooms at the same time. I do know she's a fresher like me and that she's here for French/History. History was my second choice when applying so I think we might have a little something in common. Fresher's Week stuff at night generally involves going to a club. I'm not much of a clubber and I don't really drink (though it is legal for me to do so here), so I haven't gone to any clubs. They're not really a place to meet people anyway because I can't hear a gosh darn thing anyone says. I'm what you call hearing sensory deficient. What this means is that if it gets too loud or too many people are talking at once I shut down physically. The words get jumbled in my head and I just can't think. So, clubs really aren't the best place for me. If I already knew someone here and they were going I might go with them, but it's just not the place for me to meet people. I'll join a society or something and meet people that way.
Anyway, it was nice to have that little taste of home even if people were starring at me the whole time wondering why I was eating alone. I feel like I'm starting high school all over agian except worse. I knew a few people in high school already and my best friends were with me. This is going to be a challenge.
By the way, it's midnight here. I can't sleep so I decided to post something.
My Violin
Ok, so I had a request to tell the story of how my violin Janet got her name.
You may have realized if you read my last post that all of my things are usually male in gender. My computer is Harry, my Kindle is Kendall (which could be both, but I think he's a boy), Steve my other violin, and Raoul my sax. So why is Janet female? I shall tell you. It's not a very long story, but I think it's cool and sweet.
You all know my boyfriend Ryan. I'm gonna tell you something a little personal about him. His mother died 5 years ago. Now, she played the violin. When I heard that her violin had just been sitting in the closet for 5 years I had a slight spasm. I asked if I could clean it up and restring it and the whole package. So I did. I had the fine tuners replaced and had the people at the shop put on new strings and polish it up. She's pretty darn gorgeous now ,though I have to restring her again, but that's another story. Anyway, I name all of my stuff so Ryan asked me what I was going to name the violin. I told him since the violin was technically his he got to name it. He said, "What about Janet?"
Now I'm not the most observant of people, but I had noticed a few things. One, the urn on the mantle said "JANET" and Two, there was an ID tag on the violin case that said "Janet Ryan" (which I suppose is how Ryan got his name). Anyway, I pieced it all together (I know, I'm smart) and said that I loved the name. Now, her name is Janet and she's one pretty violin.
That's my story. It's not long, but I really like it.
You may have realized if you read my last post that all of my things are usually male in gender. My computer is Harry, my Kindle is Kendall (which could be both, but I think he's a boy), Steve my other violin, and Raoul my sax. So why is Janet female? I shall tell you. It's not a very long story, but I think it's cool and sweet.
You all know my boyfriend Ryan. I'm gonna tell you something a little personal about him. His mother died 5 years ago. Now, she played the violin. When I heard that her violin had just been sitting in the closet for 5 years I had a slight spasm. I asked if I could clean it up and restring it and the whole package. So I did. I had the fine tuners replaced and had the people at the shop put on new strings and polish it up. She's pretty darn gorgeous now ,though I have to restring her again, but that's another story. Anyway, I name all of my stuff so Ryan asked me what I was going to name the violin. I told him since the violin was technically his he got to name it. He said, "What about Janet?"
Now I'm not the most observant of people, but I had noticed a few things. One, the urn on the mantle said "JANET" and Two, there was an ID tag on the violin case that said "Janet Ryan" (which I suppose is how Ryan got his name). Anyway, I pieced it all together (I know, I'm smart) and said that I loved the name. Now, her name is Janet and she's one pretty violin.
That's my story. It's not long, but I really like it.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Up Close and Personal
I've never really gotten too personal on this blog, but I think it's about time you really got to know me.
So here I go...
My name is Erin A. I was born on January 23 (just so you guys know in case you wanted to send gifts or anything...) and we moved from Texas to California when I was about 5...maybe 5 1/2. I went to UHS for high school which is on the CSU campus and is geared towards music students. I sang in the choir all four years. I was an alto for three years and then in my senior year I asked to be moved to Soprano (yes I can sing both) because I was tired of harmony. Besides singing I can play the violin and the alto sax. One of my violin's at home is named Janet (pretty cool story of how it was named, ask if you care) and the other's name is Steve (why? It's a pretty name ;) ) and my Sax's name is Raoul. I know, it's a pretty saxy name (haha! I kill myself). And now, here I am in Scotland at the University of Aberdeen to get my MA (which is the equivalent to BA in America) in English and Celtic Studies. What do I want to do with my life. Funnily enough I want to be a Blind Rehabilitation and Orientation Specialist. That means I basically want to be a Mobility Teacher for those people who are blind or are visually impaired. I would LOVE to work for the VA office and help veterans who were hurt in an explosion or some other war injury. How did I think this up?
I raise Guide Dog Puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind based in San Rafael, CA and Boring, OR. I didn't think about being a Mobility Teacher until just recently which is why I am still here in Scotland doing my MA in something that won't really help me become a Mobility Teacher. I had already paid my tuition and I figure and degree is a degree and I can still wave it in peoples' faces. But, it's something that I really want to do. Anyway, so far I have raised two dogs for GDB. A female black lab named Freya who was recalled into formal training on February 20, 2010 and graduated in May with her new blind (well, technically he's visually impaired) partner. She's an amazing Guide! My other is an 8 month old yellow lab named Rocco. I had to have him transferred to another puppy raiser when I decided to move across the pond. So he's still a puppy in training, but I'm sure he'll graduate too. Please visit my Guide Dog Blog if you're interested in my puppies or the Guide Dog Website if you're interested in raising a puppy or adopting a Career Change or, Gee, just want to send them money. They are non-profit you know.
Now, for the really personal stuff.
I am in a relationship with a wonderful guy. I left him at home in California to come out here and I miss him terribly. I believe in fate, but I don't believe that fate is set in stone. I think you have to power to shape your own ending if you really want to. Now, Ryan and I met only a month before I came over here. You might say that it was ridiculous for me to get involved when I knew we only had a short time together and that my fate was in Scotland. I say that it was me changing my fate. I changed it to where I have a constant support system from someone outside of my family and someone to talk to things I don't want to talk to my parents about and someone to keep me going here. I could think about my parents, but I really don't care if I disappoint them. I've done it before and I know I'll do it again. I could think of my brother, but I already do that for a number of other reasons, so I needed someone stronger. Now, whenever I have doubts (which has been a lot in the past couple of days) I think of Ryan and how badly he wants to come over here to see me and how "happy" he was for me. I can't just deprive the poor boy of having someone to visit over here in the UK can I? Of course not! So, he's my crutch I suppose even if we aren't with each right now. Anyway, I REALLY miss him.
Other things that I miss? My dog Arwen. I miss her a lot. She's an 8 year old Golden Retriever and no matter how everyone tried to say she was the "family dog" everyone knew that she was really mine. Dogs, especially Goldens, latch onto one special person. They like everyone else of course, but they have their person and that person is theirs for life. I was Arwen's person just as my dad was Brandy's, Arwen's mother, person and my mom was Molly's person. I miss Arwen a lot. If I could have I would have taken her with me.
That's about as personal as I can get for one day besides letting you know that my favourite colour is green/teal/purple (really though I LOVE the rainbow), favourite fruit is apples, favourite vegetable is broccoli, and favourite smell is lavender (though Ryan is a close second).
So here I go...
My name is Erin A. I was born on January 23 (just so you guys know in case you wanted to send gifts or anything...) and we moved from Texas to California when I was about 5...maybe 5 1/2. I went to UHS for high school which is on the CSU campus and is geared towards music students. I sang in the choir all four years. I was an alto for three years and then in my senior year I asked to be moved to Soprano (yes I can sing both) because I was tired of harmony. Besides singing I can play the violin and the alto sax. One of my violin's at home is named Janet (pretty cool story of how it was named, ask if you care) and the other's name is Steve (why? It's a pretty name ;) ) and my Sax's name is Raoul. I know, it's a pretty saxy name (haha! I kill myself). And now, here I am in Scotland at the University of Aberdeen to get my MA (which is the equivalent to BA in America) in English and Celtic Studies. What do I want to do with my life. Funnily enough I want to be a Blind Rehabilitation and Orientation Specialist. That means I basically want to be a Mobility Teacher for those people who are blind or are visually impaired. I would LOVE to work for the VA office and help veterans who were hurt in an explosion or some other war injury. How did I think this up?
I raise Guide Dog Puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind based in San Rafael, CA and Boring, OR. I didn't think about being a Mobility Teacher until just recently which is why I am still here in Scotland doing my MA in something that won't really help me become a Mobility Teacher. I had already paid my tuition and I figure and degree is a degree and I can still wave it in peoples' faces. But, it's something that I really want to do. Anyway, so far I have raised two dogs for GDB. A female black lab named Freya who was recalled into formal training on February 20, 2010 and graduated in May with her new blind (well, technically he's visually impaired) partner. She's an amazing Guide! My other is an 8 month old yellow lab named Rocco. I had to have him transferred to another puppy raiser when I decided to move across the pond. So he's still a puppy in training, but I'm sure he'll graduate too. Please visit my Guide Dog Blog if you're interested in my puppies or the Guide Dog Website if you're interested in raising a puppy or adopting a Career Change or, Gee, just want to send them money. They are non-profit you know.
Now, for the really personal stuff.
I am in a relationship with a wonderful guy. I left him at home in California to come out here and I miss him terribly. I believe in fate, but I don't believe that fate is set in stone. I think you have to power to shape your own ending if you really want to. Now, Ryan and I met only a month before I came over here. You might say that it was ridiculous for me to get involved when I knew we only had a short time together and that my fate was in Scotland. I say that it was me changing my fate. I changed it to where I have a constant support system from someone outside of my family and someone to talk to things I don't want to talk to my parents about and someone to keep me going here. I could think about my parents, but I really don't care if I disappoint them. I've done it before and I know I'll do it again. I could think of my brother, but I already do that for a number of other reasons, so I needed someone stronger. Now, whenever I have doubts (which has been a lot in the past couple of days) I think of Ryan and how badly he wants to come over here to see me and how "happy" he was for me. I can't just deprive the poor boy of having someone to visit over here in the UK can I? Of course not! So, he's my crutch I suppose even if we aren't with each right now. Anyway, I REALLY miss him.
Other things that I miss? My dog Arwen. I miss her a lot. She's an 8 year old Golden Retriever and no matter how everyone tried to say she was the "family dog" everyone knew that she was really mine. Dogs, especially Goldens, latch onto one special person. They like everyone else of course, but they have their person and that person is theirs for life. I was Arwen's person just as my dad was Brandy's, Arwen's mother, person and my mom was Molly's person. I miss Arwen a lot. If I could have I would have taken her with me.
That's about as personal as I can get for one day besides letting you know that my favourite colour is green/teal/purple (really though I LOVE the rainbow), favourite fruit is apples, favourite vegetable is broccoli, and favourite smell is lavender (though Ryan is a close second).
My Room
So, I managed to sleep for 14 hours. For those of you who know me well know I just don't do that. I suppose I really needed the sleep. But I'm all ready for today and I'll be able to participate in the Fresher's Week stuff tonight. I just need to head down to Johnston Hall to get my Fresher's band so I can get into the clubs and things like that quicker and easier.
So, as I promised, here are a few pictures of my flat room.

So, as I promised, here are a few pictures of my flat room.
My view.

I really like how everything here is green.
Some apples, the picture my friend painted for me, and my bunny angel.
My bed. I bought black sheets yesterday. They aren't that comfortable, but they're something to sleep on. And I'm sure they'll soften up after the first wash. Oh, and I'm not generally messy, but I was unpacking a figuring out how many clothes hangers I needed.
The only place in my room where I'm allowed to hang things. I need some thumb tacks and stuff to hang.

My gorgeous picture of Arwen. I miss her a lot. And that vase? I blew glass in Sweden when I visited my brother last Christmas and that is what I made. :)
My pop-up laundry hamper. It really does POP. I undid the band that was holding it together in a nice little circle and it almost attacked me.
My cloak and warm jacket on the wall hanger.
This is my small bathroom. But at least it's my own and I don't have to share it.
And my itty bitty shower. At least it lets me have hot showers and it's all mine.

My favourite corner in my dorm room. You see the black lab stuffed animal in harness and the yellow lab in his puppy jacket? I need a black lab in her puppy jacket and if Rocco makes it I'll buy a yellow lab in harness.
I still need to buy a few things like laundry and dish soap and other cosmetic necessities. But all in all it's a nice little room. And I mean LITTLE. But again, it's all mine so I can handle it being little.
I have my meeting with Professor McGonigle (that's still SO cool!) tomorrow morning which means I should probably buy a hair drier to quicken the drying of my hair.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I'm here!
Alright guys! I am here in Scotland. After I left Alabama the trip was rather boring. Except in London Heathrow. You see, they sent me to the wrong terminal. So I waited and went through security again and all that good stuff and then I'm told, "you came to the wrong gate." I'm sorry, I came to the wrong gate. No, no, no, no, no. None of you people would answer my gosh darn question when I asked which terminal should I go to and then finally stuck me in a line for terminal 3. The long and the short of it is that I had to run around that airport to get to terminal 5 in time to catch my plane which I did almost miss. I didn't, but the possibility was still there. Oh! So frustrating!
Did I tell you guys that instead of living in the "dorm" rooms I was offered a place at an off campus flat. I really like it. I have my own bathroom and room, but my kitchen space is shared with 4 other people. I actually haven't met any of my flat mates because I've been running around trying to get sheets and pillows and towels and all the stuff like that. I still need a hair drier. But those things will come in time. Possibly tomorrow when I'm not suffering from lack of sleep.
Right now what I'm (FINALLY) going to do is take a shower and wash off all 15 1/2 hours of travel. I feel so gross, but what could I do without towels first? Am I right? Anyway, I'll post some pictures of my flat room later.
Did I tell you guys that instead of living in the "dorm" rooms I was offered a place at an off campus flat. I really like it. I have my own bathroom and room, but my kitchen space is shared with 4 other people. I actually haven't met any of my flat mates because I've been running around trying to get sheets and pillows and towels and all the stuff like that. I still need a hair drier. But those things will come in time. Possibly tomorrow when I'm not suffering from lack of sleep.
Right now what I'm (FINALLY) going to do is take a shower and wash off all 15 1/2 hours of travel. I feel so gross, but what could I do without towels first? Am I right? Anyway, I'll post some pictures of my flat room later.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Week Long Stretch
Well, here we are! It's only a week until I leave California. I'm freaking out man! I mean I'm just starting to pack up my room. I probably shouldn't even be doing this blog post because I should be packing and working on getting ready for school. But I'm going to do it anyway.
I'm starting to pack up my DVDs and I'm in sort of a pickle. You see, I'm thinking I'll take four DVDs, five tops, with me. Right now I'm trying to decide which lucky ones get to come and which ones have to go in the box in the closet. Some already in the box are "Dear Frankie", "Young Frankenstein", "What a Wonderful Life", "Pleasantville", "Sydney White", and various other titles. There are 23 DVDs already in the box and 21 still out. Three of those 21 are going to the Yard Sale this Saturday to be sold. So now...I have to figure out what I'm taking. I'm definitely taking "What's Up Doc" starring Barbra Streisand. :)
Here is the list of other DVDs waiting to be placed:
Across the Universe
Bride Wars
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Devil Wears Prada
Driving Lessons*
The Duchess*
Julie and Julia*
Miss Congeniality
The Notebook*
Practical Magic
Pride and Prejudice*
The Proposal
PS I Love You
While You Were Sleeping*
Can you tell I'm a big Fan of Anne Hathaway and Sandra Bullock? I put away "Premonition" and "Princess Diaries" and "Ella Enchanted" already. :)
The ones with a * by them means that they are the best possibility to be taken with me. But that can change at any time. :)
I'm starting to pack up my DVDs and I'm in sort of a pickle. You see, I'm thinking I'll take four DVDs, five tops, with me. Right now I'm trying to decide which lucky ones get to come and which ones have to go in the box in the closet. Some already in the box are "Dear Frankie", "Young Frankenstein", "What a Wonderful Life", "Pleasantville", "Sydney White", and various other titles. There are 23 DVDs already in the box and 21 still out. Three of those 21 are going to the Yard Sale this Saturday to be sold. So now...I have to figure out what I'm taking. I'm definitely taking "What's Up Doc" starring Barbra Streisand. :)
Here is the list of other DVDs waiting to be placed:
Across the Universe
Bride Wars
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Devil Wears Prada
Driving Lessons*
The Duchess*
Julie and Julia*
Miss Congeniality
The Notebook*
Practical Magic
Pride and Prejudice*
The Proposal
PS I Love You
While You Were Sleeping*
Can you tell I'm a big Fan of Anne Hathaway and Sandra Bullock? I put away "Premonition" and "Princess Diaries" and "Ella Enchanted" already. :)
The ones with a * by them means that they are the best possibility to be taken with me. But that can change at any time. :)
Friday, September 3, 2010
My New Kindle
I finally broke down and got a kindle. I used to think that there was no way that I would ever get a kindle because I really like holding the books and owning the books and all that stuff. It just seems old timey to me and I like the idea of having a library full of books when I get older and have a house of my own. You know, one of those libraries that you read about in Jane Austen books. But, I realized something as I was packing. I can't take that many books. I have this pile of books that I was starring at and wondering which books I should take and which I should leave. I couldn't just leave my copy of The Great Gatsby could I? Well, when I came to the realization that I couldn't take all of my books with me I was very sad. Sounds nerdy, but I really was. That's when my dad said that maybe it was time I got a kindle. Since I like the idea of being able to read a different book every month I agreed to get a kindle. So, now, Kendall the Kindle (that's right! It asked me for a name and "Erin's Kindle" was too boring for me) is set up and I have bought my first book on it. It's a Phillippa Gregory book.
For those of you who don't know Phillippa Gregory and like historical fiction I would say that you need to run to your library, bookstore, or kindle and buy one of her books. This will be the third book of hers that I have read, but I'm looking forward to reading all of her books because they're just that good. :)
For those of you who don't know Phillippa Gregory and like historical fiction I would say that you need to run to your library, bookstore, or kindle and buy one of her books. This will be the third book of hers that I have read, but I'm looking forward to reading all of her books because they're just that good. :)
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