
Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolution

I don't generally make these resolutions. I figure that resolutions shouldn't be made just on new year's eve just to be forgotten about by Valentine's Day. But this year, my first year of University and my first year of living away from home and the first year without any sort of pet, I thought I should make a new year's resolution to help guide my way. Only, I'm hoping this will be more like a "all the years to come resolution". So, I guess, without further adieu here is my resolution.

I resolve to be a better to person in any way that I need fixing. I want to let go of certain bits of my past and with other memories of my past I want to see them for what they are. Then I want to learn everything I can from them and then pack them away at the back of my mind only to pull them out when I need reminding of what I've learned. I need to be more disciplined in my studies, but more importantly, I need to be more disciplined in me. I can't forget who I am no matter what and I need to embrace those things that make me me. I am who I am and who I am is a dork who manages to get stuck in the bubbles produced by putting soap in a fountain, who breaks out in show tunes every once in a while, who dances in her room in nothing but underwear while singing at the top of her lungs, who thinks there's nothing sweeter than puppy breath and nothing more relaxing than a purring cat, and who enjoys waking up early to exercise. All of things I am and all of them make me who I am. I should know what make me me even the bits and pieces I'm not so proud of. I shouldn't forget that I am a pretty awesome person any more often than I need to make me humble. Most of all I need to stop worrying so much. A little worry is needed, but I should stop getting wrapped in little details that don't really matter because it takes away from the experience.

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe new year's eve and a great start to 2011.

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