
Thursday, February 27, 2014

EDA Week 2014: Sock it to Eating Disorders #4

The socks I donned today were my white ones with brown polka dots.

Before I say anything else let me just say, polka dots are awesome. If you don't own an article of clothing with polka dots please do yourself a favour and go buy something spotty and dotty. You won't regret it.

Anyway, today's socks are simple to explain. They represent everyone out there who is struggling or has struggled with an eating disorder. 

How? Easy.

When you're struggling with those feelings, however they may present themselves, you feel utterly alone. "But Erin, your socks have lots of polka dots!" Yes they do, but you didn't let me finish. Even though you feel totally alone, there are hundreds, thousands of people out there who are feeling the same or similar feelings as you. 

I think one of the best ways we can preven future eating disorders is to let people know that they are not alone. That there is someone out there dealing with the same things they are. That there is someone to talk to who will understand when things get rough.

So...I'm here for you.

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